The Corner


Twelve Things That Caught My Eye Today: On Anti-Semitism, Nigeria, J. K. Rowling & More (January 2, 2020)

J.K. Rowling at the European premiere of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them in London, England, in 2016. (Neil Hall/Reuters)

1. Robert Nicholson: American Christians should lead the fight against anti-Semitism

2. Pastor Seized One Year Ago Still Missing In China’s Detention Archipelago

3. Nigerians killed by terrorists are ‘martyrs’

4. Nigerian diocesan spokesman: Bridal party beheaded en route to wedding

5. Karol Markowicz on anti-Semitism

6. Helping the vulnerable at risk for assisted suicide

7. This is terrible, why would you ever? Massachusetts May Drop Requirement That Minors Get Permission For Abortion

8. Child Welfare in Crisis

9. Has J. K. Rowling figured out a way to break our cancel culture?


11. Volunteering Is the Best Kept Secret for Mental Health



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