The Corner


Ten Things That Caught My Eye Today (September 16, 2019)

1. This South Bend abortionist story should be a national story, especially with the town’s mayor running for president

2. (Catholic Herald): Beijing knows it is losing the battle of ideas over Hong Kong

3. From the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom: Religious Freedom in China’s High-Tech Surveillance State

4. California is about to mandate abortion pill availability at public universities

5. Keep praying for Leana Wen (see: Praying for a Conversion Miracle)

6. Ben Carson: Life after foster care shouldn’t start in a shelter 

7. A program helping children in foster care in Cincinnati


9. Inside Philanthropy on the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption

10. From AEI: Rethinking Reentry

Plus: Do you know the Human Life Foundation is honoring our Rich Lowry on October 10?

Come to New York for the dinner — it should be the biggest ever, given the abortion expansion/celebration that happened this year here.

And then join me the next night talking to Tim Carney about his book, Alienated America.

Come even earlier and join for the launch of a series on Virtue in America on October 7. We — Peter Wehner, Michael Wear, and Kristen Hanson — are talking about hope.

Last week I found myself on the grounds in upstate New York where three Jesuit priests were killed in the 17th century. A few thoughts here.

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