The Corner


Ten Things That Caught My Eye Today (September 24, 2018)

1. In Christianity Today: Evangelicals Argue Against U.S. Reducing Refugees to 30,000

2. Luma Simms in the Wall Street Journal: Iraqi Refugees Deserve Special Treatment

3. Also in Christianity Today: Let the Foster and Adopted Children Come to Me: Families of vulnerable children often feel unwelcome in their own churches. Here are five ways to change that.

4. Carrie Gress: A Theology of Home

5. Kids don’t have to love reading to read great books

6. Dana Perino on 20 years of marriage

7. Inside a cloistered convent in County Cork

8. A delightful weekly podcast from a priest in Pennsylvania and another in Canada.

E6: Arranged Marriages / Jacques Philippe / THE INDEX by Clerically Speaking

9.  Man found alive in rubble five days after D.C. senior apartment building fire

10. Israeli building sukkah falls from fourth floor, is saved by sukkah on ground floor

PLUS, two of mine:

Padre Pio and Our Bloody Mess

How about a Little More George Washingtoo?

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