The Corner

Tenured Radicals, Chapter 348,991: Brown Renames Columbus Day

Roger Kimball, who wrote the book on tenured radicals, provides this latest in an endless series:

In its latest exhibition of anti-Americanism, the faculty at Brown University voted to rename the “Columbus Day” “Fall Weekend.” Rather lacking in poetry, “Fall Weekend,” but from the perspective of the tenured elite that anodyne moniker has the advantage of ideological neutrality. “Fall Weekend” does not commemorate a European explorer. It therefore does not honor the memory of the settlement and cultivation of the American continent and, by implication, withholds approbation of the ultimate fruit of that settling and cultivation: the founding of the United States. As Fox News reported, the Brown faculty acted in response to the clamoring of students, hundreds of whom had petitioned the university “to stop observing Columbus Day, saying Christopher Columbus’s violent treatment of Native Americans he encountered was inconsistent with Brown’s values.”

Read the whole post, at Roger’s Rules on Pajamas.

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