The Corner

Terminal Twitter Tabulation



RichLowry (Rich Lowry) 

“We’re going to hit the sack,” Joe Miller tells NRO. “We’ll see what it looks like in the morning.”

fivethirtyeight (Nate Silver) 

How About Another Recount in Minnesota? more extrapolations show very close races in #orgov and#mngov #nytelect

jaketapper (Jake Tapper) 

Our Alaska troops say w/58% of vote in, trend continues: “Write in” 39 percent/ Miller 34 percent/ McAdams 25 percent


DanFosterNRO (Daniel Foster) 

Man, I like to think I’m have a high-tolerance for awfulness on both sides of the political aisle. But I actually can’t watch #Boxer talk.

shspruiell (Stephen Spruiell) 

Depressed about Boxer’s win? Try Miller’s A+ take on her awful novel. Silver lining: more literary classics to come?

timkmak (Tim Mak) 

RT @tpmmedia: BREAKING: Carly Fiorina is not conceding the California Senate race. She’s waiting this one out.

jaketapper (Jake Tapper) 

“Hi Jake, Alvin Greene wants to be friends with you on Facebook.”

Matthew Shaffer — Mr. Shaffer is a former William F. Buckley Fellow of the National Review Institute.
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