The Corner

Texas Theater to Show Nork-Needling Team America in Place of The Interview

Calling all lovers of freedom in the Dallas–Fort Worth metro area. Via Hollywood Reporter:

After Sony canceled the release of the North Korea assassination comedy The Interview, a Texas theater said it would swap the film with Paramount’s 2004 film Team America: World Police for one free screening.

“We’re just trying to make the best of an unfortunate situation,” James Wallace, creative manager and programmer at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema’s Dallas/Fort Worth location, tells The Hollywood Reporter

American flags and other patriotic items will be given out by theater employees, Wallace says. 

Team America: World Police, released in 2004, follows a team of supermarionettes as they try to save the world from a terrorist plot orchestrated by former North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il — who is finding it tougher than he expected to be a tyrant (brief language):

This is not the first time Texas’s Alamo Drafthouse cinema chain has grabbed national headlines. In 2011, a customer who was thrown out of an Austin-area theater for using her cell phone during a screening left a colorful voicemail declaring her displeasure. Alamo Drafthouse featured the voicemail in a subsequent advertisement asking moviegoers not to use their phones in the theater. The ad has since gone viral.

Ian Tuttle is a doctoral candidate at the Catholic University of America. He is completing a dissertation on T. S. Eliot.
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