The Corner

National Review

Thank God for the Gift of NRI

WFB in his office, c. 1975

Look, there’s no way around it, these are trying times. But we are not the first people to experience challenges. And we are not the ones we have been waiting for — all of human history has not waited for you and I to show up to reinvent the wheel. We are called to be good stewards. And Bill Buckley’s life and legacy gives us some examples to work with. How about some moral leadership? How about some creative coalitions? How about friendship across ideological boundaries? How about realizing life isn’t all politics? Walk away from the most addictive reality TV show ever and get a hobby. Discover the power of virtue. These are things WFB did. He viewed the world through the lens of gratitude, realizing that all good things are gifts — including life itself. That’s not to canonize him but to thank him and acknowledge that he gave us something to work with and continue to rally around. That’s what we do at the National Review Institute — we highlight what works, we bring people together. I’ve been grateful to be able to do that on adoption and foster care over the last few years. Religious persecution and the ISIS genocide a little, too. To name a few things. I’ve been able to host cultural conversations and more in the tradition that WFB established at both National Review and the National Review Institute.

NRI president Lindsay Craig tells more about NRI here. Consider supporting an institution that is encouraging the good and building up, not always tearing down.

And consider our Burke to Buckley seminars — in New York, Washington, and Philadelphia this Spring. Especially if you have a job that has nothing to do with public policy. It’s about making more informed citizens for the health of our families, communities, and country.

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