The Corner

Thank You…

…to everyone who has subscribed and donated today. We’re still pretty far off from our goal, but we’re inching there. We just got our first $1,000 donation. Hey, we only need 40-something more of those!

Seriously, thank you very much for whatever you sign up for. Again, I guarantee you we’re not going to waste your money on fancy lunches and other luxuries. We’re bare bones here. That’s not to complain, that’s to reassure you. No one gets paid what they’re worth. No one doesn’t make sacrifices to be part of this team. We do it because we believe it in. We are devoted to the causes we write about. We’re loyal to this great mothership WFB founded in 1955. And we’re dedicated to bringing you the best we can we the resources we have. And we do a pretty good job, as so many of you can attest to.

We really couldn’t do what we do without your support–thank you in advance for investing in NRO.

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