The Corner

‘Thank You, Mr. President!’

As there is an item in today’s Impromptus about Bowdoin College, I have been receiving various e-mails about Bowdoin College. One reader alerted me to a highly interesting event: An associate professor of religion at the college, Robert G. Morrison, won an award in Iran. His book Islam and Science: The Intellectual Career of Nizam al-Din al-Nisaburi was selected as one of the International Books of the Year in Islamic Studies. According to Bowdoin, this is “an honor given to only several scholars worldwide. Morrison was the only American scholar selected.”

The professor was given the award by “President” Ahmadinejad himself, at a February 7 ceremony in Tehran. Bowdoin calls Ahmadinejad “one of the most provocative figures of the day.”

Yes, provocative: just the word I would choose to describe the stoning of girls to death, for the crime of having been gang-raped. Just the word I would choose to describe the torturing of bloggers to death. “Provocative” is exactly the word you want in describing the promise of a second Holocaust.

On Bowdoin’s website, you can see a picture of Robert G. Morrison accepting his award from a smiling Ahmadinejad. (Go here.) How proud the professor must be, and how proud Bowdoin College must be.

I wonder what they will think of that picture, someday. If Israel is wiped from the map – will the picture be wiped from the website? Or will Ahmadinejad and the mullahs have to do even worse?

P.S. Bowdoin once gave an honorary degree to Jefferson Davis – a move that, in light of recent events, seems positively benign.

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