The Corner

Thank you, Stanley Kurtz

I’d like to be on record about this before Tuesday.  We don’t know what is going to happen.  The polls, if they mean anything, appear to be tightening, and I am still hopeful that Americans will grasp the degree to which our liberty and security would be imperiled by an Obama presidency.  But let’s not kid ourselves.  This is uphill, and even if Obama is beaten, the resulting hand-across-the-aisle McCain administration will almost certainly be working with a Congress of significantly wider Leftist margins.  Things are going to get hard, no matter what happens Tuesday.

So before we lapse into dire straits or merely difficult ones, I want to take a moment to salute our colleague Stanley Kurtz. 

As shown yet again today, the work Stanley has done over the last several weeks to educate the country about Sen. Obama — the job the McCain campaign wouldn’t do — has been singularly stellar, and often carried out under very trying circumstances.  Whether Obama wins or not, Stanley has done a tremendous service to the nation.  Months and years from now, if and when the reality of Obama cures the national infatuation with the hope of Obama, people will want to understand what happened and who this guy really is.  They will go back, again and again, to Stanley’s work.  There may end up being a lot of remorse if Obama is elected, but there will be no excuse that we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.

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