The Corner

Thanking Congressman Stupak

Readers point out to me that his website only accepts e-mail via a webform for Michigan residents (well, and e-mailers willing to claim they are from Michigan). I have checked and that is, in fact, the only way the congressman’s office accepts e-mail. So here’s an idea: If you are grateful for what Stupak has been doing, if you are seeking to encourage him, shoot me an e-mail. I’ll share some of them here and on Facebook now and again in the coming days. Perhaps he’ll come across them. Likewise, if you have encouraging words for an on-the-fence member of Congress — perhaps one of the struggling pro-life Democrats — feel free to cc me. And be sure to let me know if I have permission to use your name and town.

A reader from Virginia just made an old-fashioned phone call. She writes: “I just called his office in Michigan and got through and expressed my thanks to him to the nice young woman who answered the phone.  He is a brave man under terrible pressure from all those against him.  The phone number is: 906-228-3700.  The DC office phone number is busy, of course.”

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