The Corner

Thanks, Governor Christie

Via New Jersey Right to Life

New Jersey Right to Life issued the following statement today upon learning that NJ Governor

Christie vetoed the federal family planning waiver bill:

“We thank Governor Christie for vetoing this bill.  A3273/S2393 would have forced taxpayers to support the activities and expansion of an organization that was caught on tape aiding and abetting in the sex trafficking and abortions of minors as young as 14.   In vetoing this bill, Governor Christie has ensured that NJ taxpayers will not be complicit in the sexual abuse and exploitation of poor women and minors under the pretense of ‘women’s health.’”

Christie had already denied taxpayer funds to Planned Parenthood there. This keeps them from some additional state and federally allocated money. (Planned Parenthood of Central New Jersey currently has expansion plans, BTW.) The veto makes sense from a fiscal point of view. And then there is the fact that a Planned Parenthood clinic in Perth Amboy was exposed as willing to aid a sex trafficker in his business, which includes procuring underage abortions along the way. 

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