The Corner

Thanks For The Reminder!

Barbara Boxer, doing Sandra Day O’Connor no service (not that I’m the best focus group):

His views are not just of interest to me, but they are of great importance

to me

because the stakes are so high, particularly for women.

With Justice O’Connor’s retirement, we are losing the first woman to serve


the Supreme Court and the deciding vote to protect the reproductive freedom,


the rights, and the basic dignity of all women.

It was Justice O’Connor, for example, who built the 5 to 4 majority to


Roe v. Wade in 1992. It was Justice O’Connor who cast the deciding vote to

protect a woman’s health in 2000.

And it was Justice O’Connor who wrote two 5 to 4 decisions in the last six


protecting girls and their coaches from discrimination under Title IX.

We need to know whether Judge Roberts will follow in her moderate tradition


side with the extremist views of Justices Scalia and Thomas.

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