The Corner

NR Insider

Many Thanks Weekend Webathoners

A big fat grazia to those who found time this weekend to respond to NRO’s Fall 2017 Webathon, in which we are seeking to raise $200,000 to support these efforts:

  1. Hiring a tech guru for NRO’s burgeoning podcast operation,

  2. Obtaining related video software (an expenditure we are confident will result in significant new income),

  3. Hiring a revenue officer (another major expenditure, but with an anticipated result of mulitples in revenue), and

  4. Expanding our summer intern project.

For a more detailed explanation about these goals, see this recent piece. And be assured, as you consider making a donation, that these efforts, and other things we hope to undertake, are being undertaken with the calculated intentions of

  1. Bringing NR’s forceful and consequential brand of conservatism to many more people, and

  2. Putting NR in much better financial shape so that in the future there might never be the need to hold webathons!

Your support will be vital to this (it always has been!). As you consider, I’m hoping these donors’ sentiments will inspire you to do likewise.

Anne Marie knows that sometimes, generosity need a sprinkling of guilt. With her $100 comes this comment: “Ok. So even though my son didn’t get an internship last summer, I didn’t cancel my subscription and I still follow you on line like Jonah’s dog Pippa waiting for the tennis ball. Here’s my money, keep up the good work. So much more needs to be done!” Anne, have the kid call me.

Chris sends along $50 and a pretty well-stated explanation of what it’s all about in these parts: “I appreciate your commitment to a civil society of men and women of reason whose vision includes the lessons learned by previous generations.” Here’s a grazia encore.

Charles (who must be talking about Big Jim Geraghty), spots NR 25 bucks and explains why: “Love your email and web articles . . . I paraphrase them from time to time on Facebook to help open people’s minds to more accurate visions of the political and social reality. Thank you guys and gals for doing the heavy lifting to support Bill Buckley’s philosophy.” Heave Thank ho you!!

Another 25 bucks comes from Jason, and he is barefaced about why: “To keep Katherine Timpf writing I happily donate.” We happily say thanks.

Gerard pulls a C-Note out of the wallet and also says very encouraging words: “Keep up the great work! It’s a gift to be able to engage with NR across all its platforms—print, online, podcasts. Thanks for providing a home for the principled right.” You are welcome sir.

We’ll close with Karen, whose kind $25 is attached to these heartening words: “Keep up the excellent work. National Review columns shine like beacons of intelligence and common sense in my in box. Thank you for being the voice of calm in the cultural chaos that is our world today.”

Inspired? I hope so. Please help NR by making a donation here. And do leave comments, which we take seriously. Contribute via PayPal here if you prefer. And you can send a check, but make sure it’s payable to “National Review” and mail it to our new address: 19 West 44th Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10036. Third time’s a charm: Grazia!

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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