The Corner

White House

The Biden Fall

President Joe Biden is helped up after falling at the U.S. Air Force Academy graduation. (Screenshot via @jacobkschneider/Twitter)

I wrote after Biden’s stumble at the G-7 summit about the insane bet that Democrats would be making if they nominate him again, as he could have a terrible fall in public at any time.

Today, at the end of the graduation ceremony at the Air Force Academy, he tripped and fell. He walked off and is fine, which is good news. But these stumbles are not a small thing. We aren’t talking about a comical narrative created about President Jerry Ford’s alleged clumsiness. Biden is 80 years old, in decline, and he has a stiff, shuffling gait that makes you hold your breath when he’s negotiating stairs or any place with potential obstacles. Anyone who has dealt with this with an elderly parent knows that once the falls start, they don’t stop.

Democrats should be thinking long and hard about whether this is the vessel they want to ride into 2024 — and portray as up for performing the job in a second term extending until January 2029.

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