The Corner


The Case for Rationality

In this essay on Quillette, Harvard professor Steven Pinker makes the case for rationality. People need to follow reason, rather than emotions or superstitions.

His discussion is flawless, and I was particularly struck by this passage:

Instead of feeling any need to persuade, people who are certain they are correct can impose their beliefs by force. In theocracies and autocracies, authorities censor, imprison, exile, or burn those with the wrong opinions. In democracies the force is less brutish, but people still find means to impose a belief rather than argue for it. Modern universities—oddly enough, given that their mission is to evaluate ideas—have been at the forefront of finding ways to suppress opinions, including disinviting and drowning out speakers, removing controversial teachers from the classroom, revoking offers of jobs and support, expunging contentious articles from archives, and classifying differences of opinion as punishable harassment and discrimination.

Precisely. That is how the Left has subverted our entire education system — by infiltrating it with people who prefer to censor and punish anyone who disagrees with them as opposed to making arguments based on reason.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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