The Corner


The Case for Trump: Order the New VDH Book Today

Yours Truly was in the midst of drafting a Corner post about the forthcoming VDH book when Rush Limbaugh did my work for me by spending a healthy chunk of his program doing the same. This is cribbing on steroids:

I have to tell you, folks, Victor Davis Hanson, I interviewed him for The Limbaugh Letter on Tuesday. The man is brilliant. He is one of the most gifted writers. He loves President Trump. He has a new book called “The Case for Trump.”

Now, I come across books now and then, and I heartily recommend those I really like. But I’m just flat-out telling you to get this one. If you believe in Donald Trump, if you believe in the whole “Make America Great Again” agenda, if you want to read some of the most intelligent defense of Trump, the most intelligent defense and explanation of Trump’s agenda.

If you want to have a compendium in front of you of every effort that has been mounted to get rid of Donald Trump and what impact it has had, if you want to have a book that’s filled with well-intentioned advice for the country as it relates to this effort to get Trump, if you want to read a book that is devoted to the Trump agenda and to Trump being reelected and why, if you want to have a book that will explain to you what would have happened to this country if Donald Trump had not been elected, if you want to have a book that has all of this written in easy-to-understand, easy-to-follow, simple language — you read this book.

You read this book and it seems like it just flowed out of the computer keyboard, just instant grasp of every detail just came flowing out of Victor Davis Hanson’s mind. It reads as naturally as somebody explaining it to you, as you sitting down talking to somebody about this. . . .

But it’s not just a defense of Trump from a “what else are we gonna do?” standpoint. It’s an active defense of Trump, the man, the politician, the strategist. It really is all-encompassing. It’s a very simple title, “The Case for Trump.” It’s by Victor Davis Hanson. It’s not out yet. Comes out March 5th. It’s published by Basic Books.

Order it here.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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