The Corner

National Security & Defense

The Coming Terrorist Attack on U.S. Soil

Migrants gather near the border wall after crossing the Rio Bravo with the intention of turning themselves in to the U.S. Border Patrol agents to request asylum, seen from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, September 25, 2023. (Jose Luis Gonzalez/Reuters)

The Biden administration’s utter abdication of its border enforcement responsibilities will probably result in a terrorist attack that will match or exceed the magnitude and depravity of the October 7 Hamas attack in Israel. The laws of probability virtually mandate it.

Customs and Border Patrol estimates that 2.8 million illegal aliens entered the U.S. this fiscal year;  2.7 million entered in fiscal year 2022. The 5.5 million illegal aliens who have not been deported or detained in the past two years likely is a significant undercount. Their whereabouts are largely unknown.

Among the 5.5 million illegal aliens is an alarming number of individuals on the FBI’s terror watch list. In 2020, only  three such individuals were  encountered by Border Patrol. In 2023, 505 such individuals were encountered. Border Patrol estimates that the percentage of “gotaways” is approximately 50 percent of the total number of illegal immigrants entering the country, so simple math indicates that hundreds of  individuals  qualifying for the terror watch list recently entered the country without being apprehended. And since terrorists have a special incentive to avoid interdiction or apprehension, it’s likely that the figure is far higher. Indeed, among the thousands of “special interest aliens ” who were apprehended last year from Middle Eastern countries, 659 were from Iran alone.

The Department of Homeland Security has directed woefully insufficient resources to address the massive influx. Even if the FBI diverted all of its resources from monitoring what the Biden administration has named it chief national-security threat — white supremacists — it couldn’t begin to manage even a fraction of the terrorist threat.

While terrorists consider Israel the Little Satan, the U.S. is the Great Satan — attacking it is the No. 1 objective of terrorists around the world. The U.S. also is the No. 1 target of state-sponsored bad actors in the world. As Representative Mark Green (R., Tenn.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, notes, up to 10,000 Chinese nationals (most single, military-age males) have been apprehended attempting to enter the U.S. in the first half of the year. That’s a 300 percent increase from last year.

The consequences of the Biden administration’s blatantly impeachable refusal to secure the border will reverberate for decades: increased crime, poverty, stressed infrastucture, overcrowded schools, the return of diseases long thought eradicated, disunity, and fiscal incontinence. But none will be as calamitous as the coming terrorist strike(s).

Peter Kirsanow is an attorney and a member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights.
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