The Corner


The Desperate Need to Renew College History Departments

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The Left now owns much of the academy, employing hordes of people who aren’t really scholars, but propagandists for its opposition to the foundations of our civilization. The project is to turn students against individual liberty, limited government, and neutral rules of law so as to make them eager for the transformation of the U.S. into a collectivist utopia.

Nowhere is that more blatant than in history departments. In today’s Martin Center article, David Randall of the National Association of Scholars decries this terrible trend.

Randall writes:

America is desperately short of every kind of professor and public intellectual who knows our Western civilizational heritage and the ideals and institutions that formed and preserved our republic. But we are particularly short of historians. A continuing flow of conservatives into law and the judiciary has preserved a remnant body of tradition-minded law professors to make the case for originalism, natural law, and precedent. Tradition-minded political theorists also survive, as do tradition-minded economists. History departments, by contrast, have become almost entirely a left-wing preserve. History professors’ blatant politicization dissuades most dissenters from applying to history graduate departments, and selective blackballing by admissions committees ensures that the next generation of history professors will be at least as radical as the present one.

Don’t bother trying to become a history professor unless you’re going to tell everyone how awful America is at every opportunity. If you wonder how all those protesting students who proclaim their desire to replace our system with socialism got that way, Randall has the answer: “The radicals who hate American history teach their hatred instead, above all to the nation’s future K-12 social-studies teachers. They pass on this hate-reading of American history to our children.”

He argues that colleges and universities should renew their history departments so they teach actual history, not the extremely slanted version that’s now offered — and which turns away many good students.

Read the whole thing.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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