The Corner

Politics & Policy

The Eric Greitens RINO-Hunting Ad Doesn’t Make Any Sense

( Eric Greitens/Screenshot via Youtube)

Eric Greitens, who was forced to resign as governor of Missouri due to sexual misconduct and campaign-finance allegations, is now running for Senate. In an effort to distract from his scandalous past and trigger the libs and Beltway conservatives, he’s out with a new ad using his military background as the jumping off point for a RINO-hunting-themed ad featuring lots of guns and camo. Judging by how much it’s popping up on my Twitter feed, it seems as though his goal of getting attention was accomplished.

Aside from everything else that could be said about the ad, what strikes me is that it makes absolutely no sense. If you wanted to go RINO-hunting, why would it involve leading a Navy Seal–style team into an empty house? I thought RINOs were filling the corridors of power, inhabiting coffee shops and wine bars. Why would they be hiding in an abandoned home on a random suburban street? If nothing else, maybe go with a safari theme and hunt them in the jungle somewhere — or maybe in a swamp.

Side note: In the ad he refers to himself as a Navy Seal, but following his resignation, he was allowed to rejoin the military but not as a Navy Seal.

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