The Corner


The Fate of Vladimir Kara-Murza

The political prisoner Vladimir Kara-Murza speaking to his lawyer, Vadim Prokhorov, in a Moscow court on March 13, 2023 (Daria Kornilova)

On our homepage today is a piece called “Russia Today: A nation, extensively re-Sovietized.” I cite several cases within Russia — cases of people who have been imprisoned for criticizing the government, particularly its war in Ukraine. Find that piece here.

The best-known political prisoner in Russia is Alexei Navalny. Here is a headline from last Friday: “Alexei Navalny in ‘critical’ situation after possible poisoning, says ally.” The article is here. Navalny has already been poisoned once. He survived when he was able to go abroad for treatment.

Another well-known political prisoner is Vladimir Kara-Murza. (He has been poisoned twice.) Vladimir is a friend of mine, and I have written about him and podcasted with him for years. Here is a recent piece; here is another. A brave man, a great man. The news came today that he has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for high treason. (He criticized the Ukraine war.)

He obviously knew it was coming. In his final statement to the court, he said,

I know the verdict. I knew it a year ago when I saw people in black uniforms and black masks running after my car in the rearview mirror. Such is the price for speaking up in Russia today.

He continued,

But I also know that the day will come when the darkness over our country will dissipate. When black will be called black and white will be called white; when at the official level it will be recognized that two times two is still four; when a war will be called a war, and a usurper a usurper; and when those who kindled and unleashed this war, rather than those who tried to stop it, will be recognized as criminals.

This day will come as inevitably as spring follows even the coldest winter. And then our society will open its eyes and be horrified by what terrible crimes were committed on its behalf. From this realization, from this reflection, the long, difficult but vital path toward the recovery and restoration of Russia, its return to the community of civilized countries, will begin.

In one of its leaflets, the White Rose (the anti-Nazi group) said,

Isn’t it true that every honest German is ashamed of his government these days? Who among us can imagine the degree of shame that will come upon us and upon our children when the veils fall from our faces and the awful crimes that infinitely exceed any human measure are exposed to the light of day?

Kara-Murza ended his statement in court by saying,

Even today, even in the darkness surrounding us, even sitting in this cage, I love my country and believe in our people. I believe that we can walk this path.

God bless the great Vladimir Kara-Murza.

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