The Corner

Politics & Policy

The Fierce Urgency of Whenever

From Nancy Pelosi’s statement yesterday:

The actions of the Trump presidency revealed the dishonorable fact of the president’s betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our national security and betrayal of the integrity of our elections. Therefore, today I’m announcing the House of Representatives moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry. I’m directing our six committees to proceed with their investigations under that umbrella of impeachment inquiry.

The president must be held accountable. No one is above the law. Getting back to our founders in the darkest days of the American Revolution, Thomas Paine wrote, “The times have found us.” The times found them to fight for and establish our democracy. The times have found us today. Not to place ourselves in the same category of greatness as our founders but to place us in the urgency of protecting and defending our Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

In the words of Ben Franklin, to keep our republic.

In other news, on Friday the House of Representatives is scheduled to recess until October 15. It will be in session until Halloween, then it is scheduled to recess again from November 1 to November 12.

“Protecting and defending our Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic” is “urgent,” but, you know, not urgent enough to disrupt the “district work periods.”

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