The Corner

NR Webathon

The Final Nudge: A-Maize-ing Contribution

(Christian Hartmann/Reuters)

Earlier today, JulieAnne donated $25 to the in-the-home-stretch NR webathon and described her kindness thusly: “Just a kernel for those who give me the whole cob! I realize I’m being corny, but you have my ear. Quarantine brain is real!” Thanks JulieAnne. Feel free to stalk us any time with the puns.

We appreciate the love and camaraderie and closeness of our readers — unique in this world of publishing. How’d that happen? Maybe because our founder was unique, and he believed you believed this thing called National Review is an essential cause. He was right. About it being a cause, and about the fact that many of you would stand beside NR on the barricades.

In the past days, since we launched this brief campaign — seeking to raise $125,000, alas still short of it, with 36 hours remaining, by a mere $14,000 — some 1,305 people have donated. Zowie! (We can’t say “Hot Da*n!” — it’s Holy Week after all.) If I could nudge those of you who have been intending to join these ranks, I’m pretty sure we’d hit that goal. Likely even surpass it.

This is the last appeal from Yours Truly in these precincts. On behalf of all my colleagues, we are deeply appreciative of — and inspired by — those who, like JulieAnne, have given to this effort, and offer in advance the same heartfelt gratitude for those who will give $5 of $50 or $500, or any amount, from the Widow’s Mite to the Billionaire’s pocket change, as we seek to keep the Buckley mission hard-charging, even in these times of immense challenge.

To give: Donate here. Should you rather send a check, do make it payable to “National Review” and mail it to National Review, ATTN: Spring 2020 Webathon, 19 West 44th Street, Suite 1701, New York, N.Y., 10036. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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