The Corner

Politics & Policy

The IRS Is Your Friend

Outside the Internal Revenue Service building in Washington, D.C. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)

The ridiculous ways in which liberals have been selling the Biden tax and spendapalooza bill are verging on comedy.

The latest whopper has Representative Katie Porter of California calling fears that the bill’s 87,000 new IRS employees will mean more middle-class audits “a load of malarkey.” She incredibly told MSNBC that “the number one agency that the American people would like to have (with) more agents, be more helpful, pick up the phone, build better technology, be more responsive — is the IRS. So, this is an investment in allowing the IRS to modernize. . . .”

Porter then pulled out a whiteboard on air and argued, “For every dollar that we invest in IRS enforcement, of the most wealthy Americans, . . . we can recover $5 in taxes that are owed to the rest of us.”

This isn’t even remotely close to the truth. Only about 4 percent of the money is for taxpayer “assistance.” Most of it is for audits and investigations.

William Henck, a former IRS lawyer who was forced to leave a 30-year-long career with the agency in 2017 after becoming a whistleblower, recently told Fox News: “The idea that they’re going to open things up and go after these big billionaires and large corporations is quite frankly bullsh**.

“The big corporations and the billionaires are probably sitting back laughing right now,” he said.

John Fund is National Review’s national-affairs reporter and a fellow at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.
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