The Corner

Politics & Policy

The Karen Bass Boomlet

The odds are still stacked against her being tapped as Joe Biden’s running mate, but California congresswoman Karen Bass certainly has the widest and most interesting range of public supporters — from George Will and Jim Clyburn to Markos Moulitsas and a group of Bernie Sanders delegates.

Will and Clyburn see Bass as a stabilizing force, but why are left-wing activists rallying behind the congresswoman? Look to her comment to The Atlantic: She ‘cannot envision’ ever running for president, even if she was vice president,” Bill Scher writes at Real Clear Politics. “If Biden is going to choose a fellow pragmatist, the left would greatly prefer the choice be someone who won’t seize the inside track for the next presidential primary contest, which could be as soon as 2024.”

Biden says he will reveal his VP pick next week.

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