The Corner


The Kirk Gala Awaits

On Wednesday, October 21, the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal will celebrate its 25th Anniversary with a live-stream event that will include a walking tour of the former National Review columnist’s library, located at the famed family home in Mecosta, Michigan. It’s the place where this Founding Father of conservatism (his column was a mainstay of National Review’s first quarter century) wrote his influential books and welcomed generations of students and academics. The celebration will feature our very good friend, George Nash, who will speak on the continuing influence of Kirk’s work, and how the Kirk Center is vital to maintaining his important legacy. The hour-long event will conclude with a toast of a drink that the multi-talented Dr. Kirk concocted (the “Mecosta Fruit Punch,” a cocktail our own founder, Bill Buckley, is believed to have enjoyed, copiously, and on more than one occasion).

The Silver Anniversary virtual celebration kicks off at 7 P.M. (Eastern), and registration is free. Find complete details here. And do consider contributing to the Center’s ongoing capital campaign.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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