The Corner

The Economy

The Middle Class Is Prospering

Mark Perry produced this chart based on Census data showing that, if America’s middle class is “disappearing,” it is because it’s moving up into higher-income groups. He writes: “The share of US households making $100K+ (real $$$) has increased ~3X since 1967.”

A few things to note. This is in real dollars. Also, this is household income. Could it simply be reflecting the the two-income family in the 1970s? Jeremy Horpendahl of the University of Central Arkansas College of Business looked into the question and found that:

To account for the growth of dual incomes, I recreated these charts using single-earners only. I also used families instead of households (goes back further for the earner data) Growth since 1967 is less, but still a robust 43%. And notice almost *all* of that comes after 1997.

Here are some of Horpendahl’s charts:

Going back to 1947, the chart looks like this:

We should always aspire to make everyone’s life better. But let’s not take the improvements we have already achieved for granted.

Veronique de Rugy is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
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