The Corner

Woke Culture

The NCAA Helps Undermine Academic Standards

The National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) has gone “woke” just like many other institutions in the U.S. As Harrington Shaw reports in today’s Martin Center article, the NCAA is likely to add its weight to the “no standardized testing” movement.

He writes, “Given that the NCAA has also recently permitted the inclusion of pass/fail grades in final GPA computation, it is more important now than ever that test scores be utilized to hold student-athletes to a common standard. Despite this, the NCAA Standardized Test Task Force has recommended the ‘permanent removal of the test score requirement.’”

Of course, the justification is “equity.” That means lowered standards for athletes in “underrepresented minority groups.”

Shaw continues, “Given that the NCAA’s other action items include reviewing manuals for “inclusive language” and implementing “unconscious bias training,” the true intent of testing-requirement elimination is likely to tout their superior moral virtue. It does not appear to be grounded in any rigorous statistical analysis or consideration of student-athletes’ academic outcomes.”

Indeed. Virtue signaling is now the major activity of most American institutions.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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