The Corner

In their Own Words

Here’s one thing Hamas and Fatah seem to agree on: Both Hamas and Fatah are worse than the Israelis. From the Economist:

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has been locking up suspected Hamas members and sympathisers all over the West Bank since June, when Hamas routed the secular Fatah’s forces in Gaza after months of factional strife. Yusri Maswadeh says he was suspended by his wrists, tied behind him, from window bars for hours—“worse than with the Israelis”. Fayyad Aghbar, a former head of the Awqaf (the Muslim authorities) in Nablus, the West Bank’s biggest town, was not tortured but describes a fellow prisoner who was forced to kneel with his hands tied and was hit if he sat back on his haunches. Again, it was “worse than the Israelis”.

From the UK Independent:

Asked a routine question about the 2006 Palestinian elections yesterday, Khaled abu Ahmed slipped off his sandal and used it to beat his head several times to demonstrate his remorse for voting Hamas. “We wanted change and reform,” he said. “We thought they would bring prosperity. … We have been occupied by the Turks, the British, and the Egyptians,” he added, his voice rising rapidly. “We were occupied by Fatah and now we are occupied by Hamas. And the best of these occupations was by the Jews.”

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