The Corner

There Aren’t Enough Liberals in Massachusetts

Organizing for America, Barack Obama’s political organization, last night sent an e-mail to its N.H. members (and presumably those in other states bordering Massachusetts). It reads in part:

I’m John Spears, OFA’s state director here in Massachusetts. I don’t normally write to you, but I’m reaching out today because we urgently need help from folks like you, who live in neighboring states.

In just 7 days, folks here will vote in a special election to pick their next senator. The race is coming down to the wire, and we have to do everything we can to ensure that progressive champion Martha Coakley wins.

Unless we all join together in this moment, Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat could fall into the hands of Scott Brown, Martha’s opponent and a right-wing reactionary who has sworn to defeat health insurance reform — the late Senator’s life’s work.

If Massachusetts Democrats have to recruit liberals from New Hampshire to beat a Republican state senator nobody had heard of before last year, what’s the world coming to?

 — Andrew Cline is editorial-page editor of the New Hampshire Union Leader.

Andrew Cline is president of the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy and host of the WFEA Morning Update on WFEA radio in New Hampshire.
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