The Corner

They’re Just Not That Into Her

I’ll spare you the video this time, but a conversation on MSNBC a few minutes ago had Clinton winning the election is she only looked human more often on the campaign trail.

Yesterday, for instance, Hillary Clinton was at a rally and needed water. SHE NEEDED WATER! BY GOSH, SHE IS HUMAN! We have proof at last!

But the consensus on MSNBC was that the breaking news came too late — if she had only shown humanity three months ago, one said.

But she did! She cried! What more do you want from the woman? Blood?

Hillary Clinton is not losing the Democratic-nomination fight because people think she’s a robot. Hillary Clinton is losing the Democratic-nomination fight because she’s not Barack Obama. Let’s face it: The young black guy trumped her identity-politics card. (And the Clinton camp sure did try to make their woman card work.) Hillary Clinton is losing the nomination fight because people — even Democrats — are tired of the Clintons. (This is a good thing, even if Obama isn’t a good thing.) Hillary Clinton is losing the nomination fight because she’s not Left enough. At heart she’ll always be Saul Alinsky/It Takes a Village/Hell to Pay Hillary Rodham, but she said she’d obliterate Iran! The Left is getting the candidate they want. That’s why Hillary Clinton is not winning this nomination fight.

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