The Corner


This Is the Post-Roe Way: Illinois Bishop Prioritizes Moms

The Catholic bishop of Belleville, Ill., has decided to sell the mansion where bishops there have lived for 70 years to raise money for a maternity fund for pregnant mothers.

Bishop Michael McGovern is planning to move from the bishop’s residence at 925 Centreville Ave. to the rectory of the Cathedral of St. Peter on Harrison Street in downtown Belleville this summer. The bishop’s residence is a 2 ½ story, brick home that was built around 1860 and has 13 rooms. . . .

“I have prayed and reflected on this decision for many months,” McGovern said in the news release. “I enjoy Belleville and think it is important for the Bishop of the Diocese to continue living near the Cathedral. I hope to live more simply and, as a pastor, I believe the proceeds from the sale of the home can be better used in helping pregnant mothers in need, assisting families seeking a Catholic education and providing programs for our youth.”

After the Supreme Court’s ruling, McGovern released a statement saying the decision “gives fresh hope to Americans who wish to work to create a compassionate culture where every human being is welcomed in life, cherished in the community, and protected by law. “Because abortion law in Illinois continues to be among the most extreme in the nation, all Illinoisans must strive to assist women who are pregnant to welcome their children, even in the most difficult circumstances,” he wrote.

More from the local paper here.

Hopefully, someone will buy it and make it a maternity home or transitional housing for moms. People need to think boldly and creatively in post-Roe America.

The St. Louis Post Dispatch headline, by the way, was: “Belleville Diocese to sell bishop’s residence, use cash for anti-abortion battle.” The more people see Christians unmistakably living the Beatitudes, the less everything will be seen through a political lens, I pray.

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