The Corner

Law & the Courts

This Is What Winning Looks Like

The margins are narrow (we obviously live in a divided time), but Republicans have been winning the debate over the Amy Coney Barrett nomination. A new Gallup poll has people supporting her nomination by 51-46. A New York Times poll has a slim plurality in favor of her nomination, 44-42. Surprisingly, the Times finds support for moving on her confirmation now rather than after the election if Trump wins, 47-39 percent (the timing of the vote had been a weak point prior to this). And the Times finds that the retaliatory measure that Democrats have been talking about — Court-packing — is hugely unpopular, with people opposing it 58-31. Republicans deserve credit for moving ahead on this nomination when it seemed a huge risk, but the favorable results have to do, overwhelmingly, with the sterling qualities of the nominee.

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