The Corner

Thompson’s Debate Strategy

Rich — Regarding your speculation and that of the e-mails cited — I thing Fred did a great job last night demonstrating what fabulous Vice Presidential candidate he would be — to Rudy. Or Romney. Or even McCain. He brought far greater than usual intelligence and dignity to the attack role. He is diplomatic, uses language better than any of the others, and has that wonderful deep voice. Huckabee is a fine target for now. But he could get away with attacking the fragile Hillary or the sainted Obama better than any of the others, each of whom sounds pretty bad on the attack. I, for one, look forward to seeing alliances and pacts develop between candidates. It will make watching even more fun. It’s not clear who Fred thinks will get the top ticket — but I continue to believe that a Rudy/Fred ticket wins. And is geographically desirable to boot.

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