The Corner

Times Trashes Evangelicals (Again)

Well, some things never change at the New York Times. The Times is shocked, shocked to discover that Evangelical Christians don’t care for Islam, and want to convert Muslims. Catholic blogger Mark Shea has a sensible reaction to this nonsense: “The most revealing things in the article were not the remarks of the Evangelicals, but of the Muslims who feel so threatened. I have Evangelicals and Fundamentalists tell me every other day that my religion is evil and that the Eucharist I adore is an idol or a death cookie or whatnot. Guess what? I survive. I don’t feel the impulse to burn them to death or kill their families or launch a jihad or fly a plane into Jerry Falwell’s church. Indeed, Muslim imams throughout the Middle East routinely bash Christians and Jews in unbelievably ugly terms and I don’t think a fitting response would be to blow up the Kaaba. But let a Christian wear a cross or bring a Bible to most Islamic countries and he should fear for his life. That’s the story that the NY Times somehow neglected to mention in this piece. Islam needs to grow up and deal with diversity. Presently its best minds are on the cutting edge of the 9th century.”

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