The Corner

Today’s Column

Two views, on one column :

One of the few things coming across clearly in this mostly incoherent belch

of sarcasm is your continuing contempt for Gonzales, who is just as clearly

not at fault here. This situation apparently gives you another chance to

beat him (and, by extension, Bush) about the head.

Interestingly, though you have jumped the Bush ship because he doesn’t push

enough of your conservative buttons, if I were coming to this column with no

awareness of who Jonah Goldberg was, I would reach the end (if I got that

far) expecting to discover you were another in a long line of “Bush

continues being a right-wing-extremist-jerk” writers from the Washington


Who knew you could sound so Mainstream Media?


Every once in a while, our mood, the luck of the muse, and our

passion for the subject ,coalesce into a really fine piece of

writing.  It wasn’t just that I agree wholeheartedly with your

thesis, but the column itself really is a great piece of writing.

The innuendo, subtle insults, twisted scholarly references (e.g.,

Quasimodo), mean-spirited questioning of motivations, wide-eyed

protestations of wonder, etc. simply come together in  a strong

demonstration of your passionate feelings about the foolishness

of the whole thing with a (barely) hidden questioning of the

morality of it all.

Based on my own experience, I’ll bet you didn’t slow down to put

a lot of thought into what you were writing, you just opened the

throttle and let ‘er rip with your feelings in charge.  That

generally results in either our best or our worst writing.

This one was “best”

Me: I actually disagree with both. I think a conservative can have contempt for all parties concerned without going “mainstream” and I don’t think this was one of my best columns. But it is always interesting to see how opinions vary.  

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