The Corner

Told You So Moment: Reagan Movie Reeks

MRC’s Brent Baker reports this morning that the Showtime airing of “The Reagans” movie was terrible, making many liberals look silly for denouncing conservative criticism as uninformed or premature:

The movie, originally produced as a two-part mini-series for CBS, was every bit as awful as conservatives feared with a belittling portrayal of Ronald Reagan. The movie

delivered a cartoonish Ronald Reagan, played by James Brolin, who read words fed to him by others, seemed capable only of uttering short quips about commies” and “big government” and followed the orders of others — mainly an all-controlling Nancy Reagan, played by Judy Davis, who came across every bit as what rhymes with witch.

Before the showing of the movie, Matt Blank, Chairman and CEO of the Showtime Networks, delivered a condescending introductory message in which he bemoaned how the movie “has been criticized by those who have yet to see it as an unbalanced denouncement of Ronald Reagan’s presidency,” though that was exactly what viewers were about to see. He also maintained that “nearly all” of the “facts” are true: “Nearly all of the historical facts in the movie can be substantiated and have been carefully researched.”

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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