The Corner

NR Webathon

Tommy Boy! NR Now $30 Closer to Webathon Goal

(REUTERS/Hyungwon Kang )

An anonymous fan from California (if the postmark is correct), sends us a wad of cash in response to our Fall 2018 Webathon appeal. There are 15 two-dollar bills in the stash — no explanation why (although we appreciate seeing Tommy J. on legal tender in our possession). The typed note attending the wad admits that the generosity is motivated by Kat Timpf’s recent call to donate. Anonymous further writes:

I really do not think it was a plea but more a cry for help given she must be subjected to the patriarchal practices of you aging white neo/paleo misogynistic conservative. I can only imagine how you force her to dress like Nancy Reagan and serve cocktails in a cigar-smoke-filled room as you formulate another scheme to keep the likes of her downtrodden.

I send cash so that I won’t be put on a mailing list and allow you to “make it rain” on poor Ms. Timpf as she empties your ashtray.

Seriously, I enjoy all your writings — magazine and web — and appreciate all you have done over the years to slow down the rise of the oceans of muddled thought.

I transcribe that with trepidation because, being culturally illiterate, for all I know the “make it rain” reference is to some scene in a Hostel movie. But if a bullet has been dodged, I’ll move on to say thanks to Anonymous and to the 150 or so others who have used the U.S. Mails to send cash, checks, and even coins . . .

. . . (no attending note) to help us reach our heady goal of raising $300,000 to underwrite the exceptional political coverage you find on NRO.

One other correspondence worth noting, accompanying a $50 check from Bev and Bruce, responding to an effort to find 70 souls to donate $500 each:

Sorry this isn’t one of the 70 @ 500 but at 1/10 of that it is better than 1/1024. 😉

We really appreciate the conservative but non-monolithic voices at NR. You cause us to think about issue. Keep u the good work!

We very much want to. We have because over the decades thousands of folks have seen fit, via their financial support, to share the task of fighting for our mutual beliefs. And we will because many people know intimately that they are as much a part of the NR cause as are myself and my colleagues who — like Bill Buckley — praise God for such paysans.

Could you see fit to making a donation of $2, or $20, or $200? We’ve had a few folks who have given $2,000 (and some even more, God bless them all) as we try to reach our new goal of $300,000. Or, as Anonymous might picture it, 150,000 Jeffersons. Please support our Fall 2018 Webathon appeal right now (it concludes November 6). If you prefer to send us cash, coin, checks, wampum, diamonds, or a spare Honus Wagner baseball card, mail them to National Review, ATTN: Fall 2018 Webathon, 19 West 44th Street, Suite 1701, New York, NY 10036.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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