The Corner

Too Perfect

So all day, I’ve been getting what I think is pretty baseless and silly grief from lefty readers ridiculing my lack of integrity for this post yesterday. My alleged sin was that I didn’t make it clear that Murtha meant we can’t win this “military.” That was supposed to be the key word I’d left out. As one particularly vexed reader, “Ryan,” put it:

Your post about John Murtha’s statement is dishonest and misleading. The “correction” you put up later is disingenuous.

It’s sad to see how far conservatives are going these days to slander

people like John Murtha, who speak honestly from their experience and

their convictions.

Well, here’s the New York Times:

Representative John P. Murtha, a Pennsylvania Democrat and former marine who has become a fierce critic of the Iraq war, said now that a “real thorn” in the side of the Americans has been removed, Iraqi forces were trained and a government was in place, the Bush administration should compose a timetable for the withdrawal of American troops.

“We cannot win this,” he said in an interview on CNN. “It is a civil war they are involved in. Al Qaeda is a small part of this.”

I guess that right wing New York Times is part of the problem, too.

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