The Corner



After saying my piece & reading the comeback emails, I realized that to a great many folk, “torture” does not refer to the pulling out of fingernails, beating senseless with rubber truncheons, having your infant daughter raped before your eyes, or any of the other things I had always supposed it meant. To a lot of people, it embraces the merest roughness or unkindness — a shove, a kick, a slap, sleep deprivation, and so on.

I’m sorry, but that ain’t torture, and a person who says it is is either

(a) the product of a very sheltered life, or (b) just looking for any old reason to say how horrid GWB and his administration are.

And that’s what I have to say about torture.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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