The Corner

Treason — It’s Kind of a Big Deal

Over at the NYT today, Michael Moss outs a jihadi in North Carolina named Samir Khan who was anonymously operating an Al Qaeda sympathetic blog:

His neatly organized site also includes a file called “United States of Losers,” which showcased a recent news broadcast about a firefight in Afghanistan with this added commentary from Mr. Khan: “You can even see an American soldier hiding during the ambush like a baby!! AllahuAkbar! AllahuAkbar!”

But here was the kicker for me:

While there is nothing to suggest that Mr. Khan is operating in concert with militant leaders, or breaking any laws, he is part of a growing constellation of apparently independent media operators who are broadcasting the message of Al Qaeda and other groups, a message that is increasingly devised, translated and aimed for a Western audience. [emphasis added]

He hasn’t broken any laws? Wha? Huh? Here’s what they had to say at the Jawa Report:

Uh, not true, and Samir is guilty of other things. Let’s start with his public crime: Treason. He openly supports the enemies of the United States in a time of war.

US Constitution Article III, section 3: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

Last I checked, that crime is punishable by death. I mean, I just ran into Treason the other day at the grocery store and he was all like “I don’t mean to brag, but I’m kind of a big deal.”

Now I’m not suggesting journalists have to become compliant during a time of war. But it would sure help if they at least knew what treason is when they are proverbially slapped across the face with a mackerel by it.

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