The Corner

Triple Parenting Hits Brits

Following up on Elizabeth Marquardt’s NYT triple parenting Op Ed, it looks as though triple parenting is becoming more popular in Britain. An article today’s Daily Mail publicizes one such arrangement, and notes that the practice is spreading. Actually, there are multiple stories in the British press today about this triple parenting case. This one, in the Sun, says “they [the children] will have a loving, secure home with THREE parents (emphasis in original). And the Daily Mail reminds readers of a recent and well-publicized triple parenting case involving a prominent British newscaster. With this kind of publicity, it’s hard to imagine that at some point down the road, triple-parenting families in Britain (which already has civil unions) won’t begin to seek further legal recognition. And it’s hard to believe that the prior existence of civil unions hasn’t contributed to all of this clearly favorable publicity for triple parenting.

Stanley Kurtz is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
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