The Corner

Politics & Policy

Meeting the Press

Impromptus today begins with a reflection on judges and ends with a letter from an eminent musicologist, who compares Tom Brady to Mozart. (Or Mozart to Brady?) In between are various other items, of course, including one on Trump and Putin. Putin gives a yearly press conference (in December). In this year’s, he flattered Trump, who gave him a phone call to thank him.

Here in the Corner, I’d like to make this point: In 2017, Trump gave just one press conference — one “solo” press conference (i.e., the kind when it’s just you, not the kind when you’re standing next to a fellow head of state or something, deigning to take a couple of questions). Of course, there are many ways to interact with the press. You don’t need to hold a formal press conference.

But I used to knock Obama for holding too few of them, and what’s good for the D is good for the R as well. Moreover, Trump seems to enjoy tangling with the press, and his fans love it too. They relish seeing their man bludgeon the “Fake News.” So more press conferences would be good for all, I think, and may 2018 bring at least two, i.e., double.

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