The Corner

White House

Trump and the Abortion Debate 

Evangelicals get kicked around a lot for so strongly supporting Trump, and I’m not a fan of evangelical leaders going on cable TV and twisting themselves into pretzels to rationalize Trump’s moral lapses. But this week has brought home why many evangelicals are with Trump. Ralph Northam, as far as anyone can tell, is a perfectly decent man of sterling personal character—who also is fine with legalized infanticide. And he’s a centrist in today’s Democratic party. So should evangelicals be with him, because he’s not going to insult anyone in public and (presumably) have to try cover up pay-offs to porn stars? Or with Trump, who despite his flagrant flaws, will do everything possible to roll back the abortion regime? The same question can be asked about any number of other issues, but abortion poses it most starkly and makes the answer of evangelical Trump supporters entirely defensible and understandable.

Update: Although Northam is the kind of guy who might get caught up in a yearbook controversy!

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