The Corner

Politics & Policy

Krauthammer’s Take: Trump ‘Overshot with This Ridiculous Charge about the Wiretap’

Charles Krauthammer said that the attention on the story that Trump’s wiretapping claims are wrong is the price of the president overshooting in the first place:

That’s the price of overshooting. There really is a case here, and Trey Gowdy, we would have expected, he made the case and he made it very strongly. There’s only one crime that we know about. There was the crime of the unmasking and leaking of the Flynn name. Who did it, what happened, why? We don’t know. But that’s the only crime that’s been established up until now. And Democrats are pretending there are other crimes of which nobody else has been able to vouch until now. If the president had not overshot with this ridiculous charge about the wiretap, that would’ve been a major discussion and it might’ve dominated the discussion. Right now, the story line is that the president was wrong. Everyone is now saying it. His own FBI director is saying it, speaking on behalf of all the Department of Justice, which is Trump’s own Department of Justice, which makes Spicer look ridiculous because it’s his own department saying the president was wrong. But that is the price of doing this kind of tweeting. I think as to the investigation of the collusion, I think the main story remains: As of today, there is zero evidence of it. And I think it’s unlikely there will be. The one thing that has happened is that the clock has now started for Comey. Once he has announced that there’s an investigation, people are going to say, “Well hurry up.” The same thing happened with Hillary. We’re waiting, we’re waiting, we’re waiting. I think it’s not going to be dragged out, and he’s going to have to make a dramatic presentation the same way he did with Hillary about her emails.

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