The Corner

Politics & Policy

Trump’s Fascist Whitening of America, in One Chart

As Mark Krikorian noted last week, some on the left are very upset that under Trump’s plan to cut down on family-based visas, not only would total immigration fall, but the percentage of immigrants who are non-Hispanic whites would rise all the way from 22 percent to an alt-right-pleasing 28 percent. Now the Washington Post has done the yeoman’s work of calculating how the framework would affect the demographics of the nation as a whole, and you won’t believe how pale everyone will be a quarter-century from now if we let Orange Hitler have his way:

In 2044 this country will be only about 47 to 49 percent nonwhite, instead of 50 percent. The Make America White Again plan could delay the dawn of a majority-minority United States, currently expected to arrive 26 years from now, by one to five years. In wanting to stop immigrants from bringing over chains of distant relatives with no regard for their skills, Trump is clearly motivated by nothing other than — come on now, don’t be shy to say it — racism.

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