The Corner

The Truth Shall Set You Free (Offer Not Applicable in the Netherlands)

This sounds very familiar. During my long battles with Canada’s disgusting and corrupt “human rights” thought-police, I was frequently told (by lawyers, experts, “human rights” activists, Islamists et al) that “truth is no defense.” The factual accuracy of what I’d written was never in dispute; it was whether or not it was legal to say it, however accurate it may be. And so it goes at Geert Wilders’s show trial:

“It is irrelevant whether Wilder’s witnesses might prove Wilders’ observations to be correct”, the ‘Openbaar Ministerie’ stated, “what’s relevant is that his observations are illegal”.

An “Openbaar Ministerie” sounds like my kind of government department, where the booze flows as freely as the trillion-dollar line-items. But it is, in fact, the prosecution service of the Dutch Ministry of Justice — although, given the state of Dutch “justice,” the Ministry for Openly Barring Persons may be a more accurate translation.

What I find striking about the arrangements for this “trial” is that the Dutch state has declined to provide Mr. Wilders with the same degree of security they lavished on Theo van Gogh’s killer. You’d almost get the impression it would suit them if he failed to survive till the verdict.

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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