The Corner


Try to Remember

Dig in. (Henry Romero / Reuters)

My Impromptus today has some weighty matters, not excluding China and Russia. In Xinjiang Province, why are they jumping out of windows? In Moscow, why are some people receiving pig’s heads on their doorstep? Turning to the homefront, are we going to let goons hound U.S. senators out of restaurants?

I also have some pleasanter stuff — such as last meals, or favorite meals. “Death Row meals,” I sometimes call them. I had mine recently in Milwaukee (had it twice, actually). It comes from Northpoint Custard, and it consists of a grilled-cheese sandwich (with cheddar), a vanilla shake, and a Diet Pepsi. (I can tell you that that last item is a subject of controversy among readers.)

What’s your Death Row meal? Let me know at, and we can do a little feature.

I end my column today with a song, or rather, with new lyrics to an old song, namely “Try to Remember,” from The Fantasticks. A composer, Larry Shackley, e-mailed me, “I have been so disgusted by the atmosphere on Facebook during the Kavanaugh fiasco that I thought we might need a little Broadway tune. Hence, I wrote new lyrics for an old favorite. I have also been merrily taking names off my Facebook news feed.”

Here you go, and thanks, Larry:

Try to remember the kind Facebook members
Who sent you pics of kids and daisies
But in September they caught some distemper
That turned them into raving crazies.
Now each new meme’s like a hoarse primal scream
And the folks you esteem they would fain dismember.
Don’t lose your temper, just block each offender:
Unfollow, ollow, olllow ollow ollow ollow ollow . . .

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