The Corner

Tu rnout in Md.

Actually, O’Malley seems to be saying something similar to Ehrlich. From an e-mail sent to supporters: 

This is it. In just a few hours, the polls will close.

It looks like turnout is not as high as it needs to be in some of the key precincts that will deliver our victory tonight. I really need you to go and vote – right now.

I lost my first election by 44 votes, and I vowed never to let that happen again. Anthony and I were on the road all last night, visiting diners and shift changes at 24-hour workplaces – and we’re still working polling places, as I write.

We need you to please forward this email to at least 10 friends and family members – to make sure they vote. And then immediately go to your polling place, if you haven’t already voted.

After all these months of hard work, we’re running out of time to make Maryland’s government work for working families. We need to turn out every possible vote.

Thank you for all your help. And thank you for voting today


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