The Corner

Tuesday links

The first shots of the Civil War were fired on April 12, 1861 at Fort Sumter

These unlucky people have names that break computers

I keep hearing ads on the radio for this: The McDonalds Monopoly Fraud: from 1995 to 2001, there was only one real winner – Uncle Jerry.

Get the Nobel Prize ready: Powdered Booze Could Fix Your Clogged Arteries.

You can judge a lot about an animal from its snout.

Man hacked random-number generator to rig state lotteries.

ICYMIMonday’s links are here, and include wasps building rainbow colored nests, the peculiar history of life insurance, a 1940’s Women Are Teachable booklet to “assist male bosses in supervising their new female employees” and a 1967 booklet on how to get a man, plus advice from 1658 on giving up wine (spoiler – there are decomposing eels involved). 

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